An e-tailer has everything to gain from selling his products on online marketplaces. However, before conducting transactions through this process, one must follow the main stages required for the dissemination of a product catalogue, starting with the creation of a data feed. Due to different requirements for each platform, this task may become somewhat complex.

A product management feed process is a tool that supports producing and exporting products flow operations to marketplaces, in order to benefit from a fast online procedure, consistent with the different platforms’ required criteria.

Indeed, generating a product feed requires knowing the specific rules in terms of product attributes and distribution format. If a formatting error occurs, the platform may simply reject the flow. And if it is validated without having been completed, the lack of optimization reduces opportunities to attract a wide audience and increase conversion rates.

Product management feed process allows e-tailers to save time, ensure dissemination of a perfectly optimized product catalogue, and drives away any mistakes that may arise into the process. This solution also offers valuable services: compatibility with foreign marketplaces, multichannel export, the ability to centralize one’s data, as well as statistical analyses on different products’ performances.

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