All you need to know about Facebook Dynamic Ads

  • Social media goes ecommerce – the leading platform offers you plenty of opportunities to boost your sales.
  • Facebook offers plenty of options to show your ads: Ad formats are mobile friendly and can be viewed on all devices. Additionally you can advertise on Facebook’s partner channel Instagram.
  • Thanks to Facebook you can target both your past visitors and those visiting your social media channels in the most integrative way. Retargeting, sponsored and hyper targeted ads – your advertising possibilities are endless.
  • Display several products at the same time and give your potential customers the possibility to discover your brand. Show one product from different angles, add promotional offers and pair products with the same purpose or style to maximise your reach.
  • Your feed needs to contain nine attributes for all type of products, the rest is up to you. Add more information to leverage the full potential of Facebook as an ecommerce channel.
  • Improve the performance of your ads by placing a personalized pixel on your website.

Publish high-quality ads

Create an organized and structured product feed by matching fields and categories and diffuse ads that convert.

Synchronize your orders

Make sure your stock is always up to date and synchronize your demands in real time with your order management

Official partner

Our platform is officially listed as a Facebook marketing solution provider for products data

Select your bestsellers

Segment your product catalogue and diffuse only products with the best potential on Facebook

Stay focused on the best results

Use elaborate reporting and email notifications to get an overview of your activities and results

Facebook Dynamic Ads and Lengow

Get a first free audit of your Facebook activity

Expert advice: Whitepaper “Facebook”

No matter if you are already an advanced Facebook Dynamic Ads user or if you just started your social selling strategy – We provide you all the right information!

Our whitepaper will guide you through the first step of setting up campaigns on Facebook Dynamic Ads and then help you maximise your results by getting to know all the important functionalities.


Download the whitepaper

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