Sell in the right place and at the right time with Google Analytics


  • The Lengow connector for Google Analytics retrieves statistical data from your e-commerce site and links it to your product catalogue.
  • Number of sales, sales generated, conversion rate, number of clicks… use this data to optimise all of your online publications.
  • This way, you have a global view of your business and can then set up distribution rules to increase your sales and achieve your business objectives.

Boost the visibility of your bestsellers

Did one of your products get more than 100 views over the last 7 days?

Add “Top Product” in the title and a “Top Sales” custom label to highlight it on your Google Shopping and Google Ads (AdWords) campaigns.


Avoid returns and refunds

Has your product been returned more than 10 times in the last 30 days?

Temporarily exclude it from all your publications and take the time to rework your photos and descriptions to avoid paying return fees.


Encourage your customers to confirm their purchase

Has your product been removed from your customers’ cart over 50 times over the last 7 days?

Take advantage of marketplaces with attractive offers in terms of shipping costs and encourage your customers to finalise their purchase.

How to link your Analytics data to your product catalogues

Precise campaign management thanks to UTM parameters

  • In the ‘URL’ attributes of the marketing channels, you can add additional tracking parameters yourself: choose the components of your UTMs and complete them with data from the fields in your product catalogue.
  • For example, specify that it is a seasonal campaign with the Custom Label ‘Autumn/Winter’ or a campaign specifically targeting ‘hats’ with your ‘category’ field.

Import your product data into Google Analytics

  • Thanks to a common identifier (SKU, product page URL, etc.), you can then manually transfer additional information about your products from Lengow-optimised catalogues. This will enable you to find out the most popular colours and sizes among your buyers, for example.
  • Brand, category, size, colour, price… use this data to optimise your reports, segments or remarketing audiences.