Your Lengow + Magento 1 Plugin

Magento is one of the leading e-commerce solutions worldwide. It features both an open source version for smaller e-shops and a enterprise version for more advanced sellers.

Export your products from your Magento shop to Lengow and start selling on our over 1,800 marketing channels – with an optimized product catalog.

Your products are optimized for…

Manage all your active feeds directly from your Magento back office.

Track your performance in one dashboard – clicks, sales, ROI and other statistics are always available.

Import and manage your orders in the Magento interface and directly synchronize your stock level.

Use Magento with Lengow


Start now

Install your Magento 1 Plugin

Our advice:

  • If possible, test the module in a pre-production environment.
  • Install and update the plugin first during a calmer business period to avoid sales rushes (for example during the holiday season).
  • Keep a close eye on the configuration of your feed and on the first orders you receive to make sure they are correctly integrated into your back-office.
  • Read about our connection process for a successful integration.
Update : 27/01/2023
Version : 3.4.1
Compatibility : 1.9 to 1.9

Important: this plugin is only compatible with the new version of our platform

* Required fields
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