Version 18.03.2024

I. Definitions

“Anomaly”: refers to any malfunction or error in the LENGOW SOLUTION, leading to results that do not comply with its Documentation or unavailability (unavailability of application services) of the LENGOW SOLUTION.

An Anomaly requires a correction, whether or not preceded by the provision of a Workaround Solution.

An Anomaly is necessarily reproducible. Anomalies are classified into three categories, according to their impact on the operation of the LENGOW SOLUTION: Critical Anomalies, Major Anomalies and Minor Anomalies.

“Critical Anomaly”: refers to any Anomaly making it impossible to use the LENGOW SOLUTION in its entirety, or making one or more of its essential functions unavailable, characterized by an immediate, continuous and widespread impact on the business processes (in particular and not exclusively access to the LENGOW SOLUTION, the import of product data, the generation of flows to DISTRIBUTORS, public APIs) and for which no Workaround Solution is possible.

It is acceptable to operate the functionality concerned in degraded mode while the Anomaly is being resolved.

“Major Anomaly”: refers to any Anomaly, which hinders the overall availability of the LENGOW SOLUTION but for which a workaround solution is possible, or which impacts one of the essential software functionalities of the LENGOW SOLUTION while allowing partial use of said SOLUTION. Use of the LENGOW SOLUTION by the Client continues, but the Client’s business processes are seriously affected.

“Minor Anomaly”: refers to any Anomaly other than a Critical or Major Anomaly.

“Availability”: refers to the guaranteed availability rate of the LENGOW SOLUTION over the reference period, excluding the periods of Scheduled Maintenance, and interventions for managing the security of the LENGOW SOLUTION.

Documentation“: refers to documentation of any kind and in particular technical documentation, user documentation, training materials, operational procedures documenting all the functionalities accessible to Users and, in general, any information relating to the LENGOW SOLUTION necessary or useful for its use, whether this documentation is provided in paper form, online or on another medium. In any event, the Documentation is accessible at the following address:

“Corrective Maintenance”: refers to the provision of corrections to the LENGOW SOLUTION, at the request of the CLIENT or on the initiative of LENGOW, in particular to correct Anomalies in the LENGOW SOLUTION according to their criticality in accordance with the Service Level commitments defined in this Agreement.

“Scalable Maintenance”: refers to the provision to the CLIENT, at LENGOW’s initiative, of Updates and New Versions of the LENGOW SOLUTION. Scalable Maintenance is included in the price of the OFFERS, unless changes have been specifically requested by the CLIENT, in which case they will be the subject of a prior quote provided to the CLIENT.

“Scheduled Maintenance”: refers to the total duration during any calendar month, measured in minutes, during which the CLIENT will be unable to access the functions and modules of the LENGOW SOLUTION due to a scheduled maintenance service set up by LENGOW as indicated below.

“Update(s)”: refer(s) to (i) the compilations of Anomaly corrections and technical improvements and/or functionalities provided by LENGOW as part of Scalable Maintenance, (ii) the modifications made necessary by changes in technology, operating systems and/or hardware configuration, (iii) as well as the modifications required to update the LENGOW SOLUTION in relation to regulatory changes.

“New Version(s)”: refers to successive versions of the LENGOW SOLUTION since the first version subscribed to by the CLIENT on the date of conclusion of the Agreement, as well as the changes made to the SOLUTION at LENGOW’s initiative resulting from new developments and/or providing new functionalities.

“Workaround Solution”: refers to the method of resolving an Anomaly in such a way that the Anomaly, although still existing, no longer constitutes an obstacle to the use of the LENGOW SOLUTION.

II. Maintenance

LENGOW undertakes to perform the maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the LENGOW SOLUTION in accordance with the commitments provided herein.

2.1 Corrective maintenance

Corrective Maintenance means maintaining the LENGOW SOLUTION in operational conditions in accordance with the Service Level Commitments.

Corrective Maintenance services consist of the analysis, correction or workaround of any Anomaly that appears in the operation of the LENGOW SOLUTION. The Anomalies detected will be diagnosed and listed and a severity will be assigned to them.

If Workaround Solutions are implemented, they will be temporary and will be supplemented by final corrections, unless the Workaround Solutions are agreeable to the CLIENT.

The procedures for resolving Anomalies are described in the “Resolution of Anomalies” section below.

2.2 Scalable Maintenance

During the term of the Agreement, the CLIENT will benefit, at no additional cost, from any New Version and Updates of the LENGOW SOLUTION provided by LENGOW.

LENGOW SOLUTION Updates are automatically deployed for all Clients, at no additional cost within the Agreementual scope.

Any request to integrate, transfer or merge a company shall be considered as a request for change by the CLIENT and may be the subject of additional invoicing after acceptance by the CLIENT of a quote previously submitted by LENGOW.


This chapter explains the special provisions applicable to LENGOW CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

LENGOW provides CUSTOMER SUPPORT and is responsible for providing technical and functional support to Users as defined in the GTCU. This is a service of LENGOW available to all users of the LENGOW SOLUTION.

Before the CLIENT sends a request to LENGOW CUSTOMER SUPPORT, it undertakes to conduct research in the Help Center to check whether the request or issue it encounters is not already documented. The CLIENT is aware and accepts that the CUSTOMER SUPPORT will redirect its request to the appropriate article link if the information is already provided.

LENGOW CUSTOMER SUPPORT is considered as the single point of contact for incident reporting.

Any request sent to LENGOW CUSTOMER SUPPORT by the CLIENT implies the tacit authorization, without exception, of access by LENGOW’s support and technical teams to the CLIENT’s production or pre-production platform for analysis purposes.

3.1 Support Ressources

The LENGOW Help Center is a go-to resource for product articles, FAQs, guides, tutorials, and other relevant content.

The search functionality carries out searches through all available resources.

  1. Access rights to the LENGOW document database and ticketing tool are linked to accounts created on the LENGOW platform.
  2. Trial client or non-client ticketing requests are not supported.

3.2 Support opening hours

Support tickets are created via the LENGOW Help Center, a support tool available to all CLIENTS with a valid account on the LENGOW platform. It is strongly recommended to log in before submitting a support request.

It is the CLIENT’s responsibility to submit its requests. If a third party needs to be involved in the ticket resolution, the client must add its contact information in the CC field of the request or provide the email address to LENGOW support.

LENGOW Help Center is accessible 24/7; requests are processed by a support consultants team, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6:30pm CET.

3.3 Support process

Support requests follow the procedure mentioned below. Depending on the type of request, steps 2 to 4 may be the workflow’s final steps. Level 1 (Customer Support) & 2 (Technical support) are in charge of CLIENT relationship management.

Step Owner Action
1 CLIENT Create the request
2 Level 1 – Customer Support Classify request / Gather complementary information / Manage “pedagogical” requests & Setup advice Requests
3 Level 2 – Technical Support Qualification, Technical analysis and management of complex subjects & anomalies
4 Level 3 – R&D Corrective Action
5 Level 2 – Technical Support Resolution confirmation


3.4 Submit a request for assistance

When submitting requests, CLIENT must specify the following required information :

  • The theme of the request (Field ”My request is about”)
  • The impact of the problem encountered on its business processes according to the following definitions (the impact may be revised by LENGOW if found inaccurate.):
    • Limited – I have a question on how to use the platform, a setup advice, or I want to request an evolution.
      Ex : Do you offer this feature on the Marketplace? How to make an exclusion rule? How to push a price with a 30% discount?
    • Moderate –
      – My business is affected by a limited scope of products or orders / is not currently affected by this request but will become serious if I don’t find a solution.
      – I need help on an error message.
      Ex : I have an error message on some of my products that I can’t solve and I can’t publish them
    • Major – My business is partially affected by a software anomaly, with a potential loss of revenue, but the application can be used partially or overall with a workaround.
      Ex : I can’t update my stock ; I have not received some orders in my back office…
    • Critical – My entire business is affected by a critical software anomaly, including immediate and global loss of revenue, with no workaround available.
      Ex : I am not receiving any orders / APIs are no longer responding
  • The nature of its request (“My request is more specifically about” / “I would like to” fields)

Depending on the chosen value in “My request concerns”, the CLIENT will be asked to provide additional details. This information is mandatory, in particular the account ID, or the IDs referring to the request (Feed, catalog, order….)
To know how to find ID information, the CLIENT must refer to the Help Center article.
The submission of tickets to the Customer Support (Level 1) is offered in the following languages: French, English, Italian, Spanish, German and Chinese.
Depending on the period and the volume of support requests, answers can be provided in English.

3.5 Support Response Time

Premium Services Package Essential Services Package
Impact on business level criteria First Reply Time (FRT) Targeted Next reply time First Reply Time (FRT) Targeted Next reply time
Limited 2 business hours 8 business hours 8 business hours 12 business hours
Moderate 2 business hours 4 business hours 8 business hours 10 business hours
Major 2 business hours 3 business hours 8 business hours 8 business hours
Critical 2 business hours 2 business hours 8 business hours 4 business hours

Lengow cannot be held responsible for delays due to third parties.

For each request reported by the CLIENT in accordance with procedures mentioned in Section 3.3, LENGOW will:

  • Acknowledge receipt of the request and, if possible, provide initial responses within the FTR (First Time Reply) commitments as listed in the tab.
  • Respond to the requester within the reply times specified in the tab, with reasonable efforts.
  • Analyze the Error which may include additional information provided by the CLIENT.
  • Upon request of the CLIENT, change the Severity Level within the assistance process.

3.6 Phone support

Phone lines are open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12:30 am and from 2pm to 6:30pm CET and offered in the following languages: French, English, Italian, Spanish and German.

The CLIENT acknowledges that if there is no consultant available in the language chosen, answers can be provided in English.

To qualify the request, the CLIENT must specify its CLIENT ID as well as the name and surname of the caller.

The CLIENT acknowledges that for the follow-up of open tickets, the phone support is to be preferred.

To optimize phone support contact, it is always better to have as many written details as possible beforehand. This way, the agent will be able to conduct research and provide a better answer.

In all cases and for a better follow-up, the CLIENT’s call will be transcribed via a ticket to summarize it, or for follow up. In this last case, LENGOW agent may ask the CLIENT to complete its request through the written ticket automatically opened in order to proceed with its processing.

If the call is not answered during office hours due to the unavailability of the agents, the CLIENT has the possibility to leave a voice message specifying its client ID, name and telephone number. LENGOW will make its best efforts to call back the CLIENT.

3.7 Scope of support intervention

a. Non supported request

  • Support for users other than the designated contacts in the LENGOW platform.
  • Support for Trial platform users.
  • Any action that is in the user’s control on the LENGOW platform or CLIENT data.
  • Customized versions of LENGOW plugin (customized = original product code has been modified).
  • Support for third party vendor add-ons.
  • Development requests. Please seek out our professional services with your LENGOW Customer Success Manager.
  • Feature requests or additional commitments from the product or development teams.
  • Questions about third-party application integrations or third-party plugins. Lengow will do its best to assist the CLIENT, but may have to redirect it if the request is not directly related to the use of the LENGOW platform but to partner requirements.
  • Product training or complete configuration of a feed.

b. Supported requests

  • Advice in using the LENGOW platform interface for requests related to a precise and limited subject. In case of global need concerning the platform the CLIENT’s Customer Success Manager may offer the CLIENT additional services (e.g. services to have a better understanding of the platform, or to set up a complete feed..).
  • Qualification and correction of confirmed anomalies.
  • Technical actions* that are not in the user’s hands.
    *Technical actions that cannot be done by the CLIENT. A technical action includes but without limitation : IP Whitelist, test orders, thesaurus updates, feed duplication.

3.8 Resolution and Closure of requests

Except for dropped tickets, requests shall be closed in the following manner:

  • For solvable issues, depending on the nature of the issue, the resolution may take the form of an explanation, a recommendation, use instructions, workaround instructions or the update/upgrade of the LENGOW Solution.
  • For issues outside the support scope, Lengow may also close issues by identifying the Error as outside the support’s scope, or arising from a version, platform, or use case which is excluded from these SLA. The CLIENT may then be invited to contact a third-party support.In case of outside issues involving third parties, it is not Lengow’s responsibility to put the CLIENT in touch with such third-party and Lengow cannot be held responsible for the support, follow-up, or resolution time regarding these outside issues.

In the event of a new subject within the same request, the CLIENT will be asked to create a new request.


It is specified that all the times specified in this service agreement are times in mainland France and that days and times are working days and times.

4.1 Availability of the LENGOW SOLUTION

The commitment of LENGOW, and calculation of the related KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), relates to the availability of the application services of the LENGOW SOLUTION 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

The LENGOW SOLUTION operates with a minimum availability rate of 99,98%, measured over one year, excluding the cases of Scheduled Maintenance and security interventions.

As far as possible, the periods of Scheduled Maintenance are limited to 6 hours per quarter and take place outside working days or hours of the office and/or during the night (mainland France). LENGOW notifies the CLIENT of the occurrence of a Scheduled Maintenance operation at least two (2) working days before the effective date by any means (e.g. email to the CLIENT’s main point of contact in the context of the use of the LENGOW SOLUTION).

4.2 Support and Anomaly Resolution Responses

4.2.1 LENGOW’s commitments

For each Anomaly reported by the Client in accordance with the previous procedures defined in this document, LENGOW undertakes to:

  • define the level of severity of the Anomaly according to the terms defined in this document,
  • put in place all possible and reasonable means to confirm receipt of the reported Anomaly within the lead time specified in the Agreement in force and the associated response time,
  • analyse the Anomaly and, where applicable, verify the existence of the problem(s) that led to the Anomaly, which may include a request to the Client to provide additional information,
  • use all possible and reasonable efforts to resolve the reported Anomaly in view of the seriousness thereof.

At the request of the Client, LENGOW and the CLIENT may be required to re-evaluate the level of severity of the reported Anomaly, according to the terms defined in this document, and the CLIENT SUPPORT communication deadline concerning the ongoing processing of said Anomaly.

4.2.2 Incident management procedure

The objective of the incident management procedure is to prevent and mitigate the damage caused by said incidents by triggering effective and regular monitoring of actions that it is not possible to deal with by standard processes in order to quickly resolve the Anomaly.

  • Triggering

The incident management procedure (also called “crisis management”) is triggered in any of the following circumstances:

  • unscheduled unavailability of the LENGOW SOLUTION or other key services (e.g. public APIs, indexing engine, orders management component) for more than 10 minutes, with an impact on several Clients.
  • Anomaly of “Incident” severity, i.e. a Critical Anomaly reported by several Clients whose impact is characterized by an immediate, continuous and widespread impact on the turnover of several Clients, without a Workaround Solution.
  • Procedure

The first action is to trigger the creation of a “crisis unit”.

This “crisis unit” identifies Clients who are potentially impacted by the incident and establishes a communication plan in order to inform said impacted Clients.

The “crisis unit” shall include, but not be limited to, the members of the CLIENT SUPPORT team in charge of the incident, the incident manager, the managers of the CLIENT SUPPORT service, a representative of the infrastructure services and a representative of the R&D service. Thus, procedures for regular communication to Clients, procedures for resolution and post-crisis feedback are put in place.

The “crisis unit” is dismantled once the problem is completely resolved, Clients are informed of the resolution and the internal incident report is created. The incident report includes a summary of the incident, the analysis with the original cause, the corrective actions and any preventive measures. Lengow management then performs an analysis and improvement action plan (if necessary) based on the lessons learned from the incidents.

4.3 Performance indicators

Indicators Minimum threshold/Target value Maximum threshold Measurement Description
Availability of application services
Service availability rate IT*1 99,98% N.A LENGOW technical support
Maximum service interruption time IT*2 2 working hours N.A LENGOW technical support

*IT : Technical Indicator

4.4 Liability of LENGOW

LENGOW cannot be held liable in the following cases:

  • refusal of the CLIENT to cooperate, or insufficient cooperation of the CLIENT, in the resolution of Anomalies and in particular in the answers to questions and requests for information;
  • non-compliance of the CLIENT with the incident reporting procedure;
  • use of the LENGOW SOLUTION in a manner that is not in accordance with its Documentation or the regulations in force;
  • modification of all or part of the LENGOW SOLUTION by the CLIENT or a third party, without the express authorisation of LENGOW;
  • intentional damage, malicious damage, sabotage;
  • failure of the electrical or telecommunications network of the CLIENT’S operator;
  • contamination with a virus of the data and/or software of the CLIENT, the protection of which is the latter’s responsibility;
  • the occurrence of any damage that may result from an error or negligence of the CLIENT, or that the latter could have avoided by taking advice from LENGOW;
  • loss of CLIENT data or delay in the routing of data following an intervention by a third party designated by the CLIENT, or because the CLIENT has not taken the precaution of saving its data prior to an intervention by LENGOW.

Similarly, any Anomaly independent of LENGOW, in particular in the event of force majeure, or any other cause dependent on the liability of third parties (marketplaces for example) or third parties requested by the CLIENT to use the LENGOW SOLUTION (agency for example) are excluded from any compensation and cannot lead to the termination of this Agreement.

V. Hosting

The LENGOW SOLUTION is hosted on servers located in datacenters in the European Union. LENGOW ensures that the SOLUTION is hosted in accordance with market standards and under sufficient security conditions, for the entire duration of this Agreement.