Le site internet www.lengow.com, le blog blog.lengow.com et la plateforme www.lengow.io (ci-après, les « Sites ») utilisent des cookies ou autres traceurs afin de rendre votre navigation la plus simple possible, de personnaliser le contenu et les publicités que nous vous présentons et de suivre les performances de nos activités marketing. La présente politique a pour objectif de vous fournir une information claire et complète sur l’origine et l’usage des cookies qui sont déposés sur votre terminal (ordinateur fixe ou mobile, tablette, smartphone etc.) lorsque vous visitez nos sites et sur les moyens dont vous disposez si vous souhaitez vous y opposer.

Qu’est-ce qu’un cookie ?

Un cookie est un petit fichier texte ou traceur déposé sur votre navigateur qui permet d’identifier et de reconnaitre votre terminal lors de vos prochaines visites et de vous apporter notamment une meilleur navigation.

Ce cookie est placé sur votre terminal par nos sites, ou par des émetteurs tiers, lorsque vous visitez certaines parties de celui-ci ou lorsque vous utilisez certaines de ses fonctionnalités. Le terme « Cookie » est ici entendu de manière large et désigne tout traceur technologique déposé sur votre terminal.

Afin de vous garantir une transparence complète sur les cookies utilisés sur nos sites, vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des cookies utilisés, ainsi que leurs fonctionnalités, leur durée et un lien vers les prestataires les générant.

Quels cookies utilisons-nous ?

  • Cookies Nécessaires : Ils vous permettent de naviguer sur les pages des sites, et d’accéder aux différents produits et services que nous vous proposons.
  • Cookies Marketing : Ils sont utilisés pour effectuer le suivi des visiteurs au travers des sites. Le but est d’afficher des publicités qui sont pertinentes et intéressantes pour l’utilisateur individuel et donc plus précieuses pour les éditeurs et annonceurs tiers.
  • Cookies Statistiques : Ils aident les propriétaires des sites, par la collecte et la communication d’informations de manière anonyme, à comprendre comment les visiteurs interagissent avec les sites.
  • Cookies Préférences : Ils permettent à nos sites de retenir des informations qui modifient la manière dont les sites se comporte ou s’affiche, comme votre langue préférée ou la région dans laquelle vous vous situez.

Quelle est la durée de votre consentement relatif aux cookies ?

La durée de validité de votre consentement à l’installation de cookies est de de 6 mois à partir de l’expression de votre choix. A l’expiration de cette durée et pour vous rappeler les préférences que vous avez exprimées en matière de Cookies, nous vous demanderons de renouveler votre consentement. Si vous n’avez exprimé aucun choix, nous pourrons vous solliciter à nouveau pour connaître vos intentions.

En tout état de cause, vous gardez la possibilité de retirer votre consentement à tout moment en utilisant notre outil de paramétrage des Cookies.

Quelle est la durée de vie des cookies ?

Pour une meilleure lisibilité, la durée de vie de chacun des outils utilisés sur les sites est indiquée en annexe de la présente politique.

Mise à jour de la politique

La présente politique peut être modifiée ou aménagée, notamment pour prendre en compte les évolutions légales et jurisprudentielles et les décisions et recommandations de la CNIL, ou tout simplement pour mettre à jour les informations indiquées.

Nous vous invitons à consulter cette politique régulièrement pour rester informé des mises à jour.


Si vous avez des questions concernant la présente politique, vous pouvez nous contacter à l’adresse électronique suivante : dpo@lengow.com.

Comment paramétrer vos cookies ?

En dehors des Cookies strictement nécessaires au fonctionnement des sites, le dépôt d’un Cookie sur votre terminal est soumis à votre consentement préalable. Vous disposez de différents moyens pour gérer vos cookies et vous pouvez à tout moment choisir de désactiver ces cookies. Vous pouvez les accepter ou les refuser au cas par cas ou bien les refuser systématiquement une fois pour toutes.

Vous pouvez paramétrer vos choix en matière de Cookies par le biais des outils suivants :

Cookies utilisés sur les sites Lengow

Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des cookies déposés lorsque vous visitez nos sites, ainsi que leurs objectifs, leurs durées et un lien vers les prestataires les générant.

Cookie Description Expiration Type Lien
PHPSESSID Lengow | This cookie is native to PHP applications used to store and identify a users' unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. Session Necessary N/A
lang Lengow | This cookie is used to store the language preferences of a user to serve up content in that stored language the next time user visit the website. Session Necessary N/A
lidc LinkedIn | This cookie is set by LinkedIn and used for routing. 1 jour Necessary + d'infos
bcookie LinkedIn | The purpose of the cookie is to enable LinkedIn functionalities on the page. 2 ans Necessary + d'infos
wp-wpml_current_language Lengow | Stores the current language set for users to direct them directly to the appropriate multilingual content. 1 jour Preferences N/A
MUID Microsoft | Cookie publicitaire de BING utilisé pour tracking et ciblage 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_gcl_au Google | Used for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. 3 mois Marketing + d'infos
_uetvid Microsoft | Is a tracking cookie allowsing us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 2 weeks Marketing + d'infos
ajs_anonymous_id Segment | Stores the anonymous userid used by Segment.io, which we use to anonymously identify visitors in order to measure the update of information and potential conversion to registered users. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_fbp Facebook | This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisement when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website. 2 months Marketing + d'infos
IDE Google | Stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
intercom-id-fgan7yon Intercom | Allows visitors to see any conversations they've had on Intercom websites. 9 mois Marketing + d'infos
intercom-session-fgan7yon Intercom | Allows users to access their conversations and have data communicated on logged out pages for 1 week. 1 week Marketing + d'infos
nQ_cookieId Albacross | It is used as a analytical tools to identify the potential customers by setting a unique Id for the customers. The session Id is used to implement the preference choice made by the customer upon their re-visit. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
nQ_visitId Albacross | This cookie is used for analytical purposes and is used to uniquely identify users. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
bscookie LinkedIn | This cookie is a browser ID cookie set by Linked share Buttons and ad tags. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
utm_medium Lengow | Used to track the advertising medium like email, Banner Ad or Pay per Click Ads 1 jour Marketing N/A
utm_source Lengow | Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property 1 jour Marketing N/A
UserMatchHistory LinkedIn | Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. 4 weeks Marketing + d'infos
ymex Yandex Metrica | Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
yuidss Yandex Metrica | Collects information on visitor behaviour on multiple websites. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_ga Google | This cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. 2 ans Statistics + d'infos
_gat Google | This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. 1 minute Statistics + d'infos
_gid Google | The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Hotjar | Used to detect the first pageview session of a user 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample Hotjar | Used to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_hjid Hotjar | Used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser Session Statistics + d'infos
_hjTLDTest Hotjar | Used to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname Session Statistics + d'infos
lissc LinkedIn | This cookie is used for tracking embedded service. 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_uetsid Microsoft | Is a tracking cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
_ym_d Yandex Metrica | Saves the date of the user's first site session 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_ym_isad Yandex Metrica | Determines whether a user has ad blockers 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
_ym_uid Yandex Metrica | Used for identifying site users 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_ym_visorc_53770108 Yandex Metrica | Allows Session Replay to function correctly 30 minutes Statistics + d'infos
yabs-sid Yandex Metrica | Used to set the Yandex.Metrica session ID Session Statistics + d'infos
yandexuid Yandex Metrica | Used for identifying site users 1 an Statistics + d'infos
Cookie Description Expiration Type Lien
MUID Microsoft Bing Ads | Cookie publicitaire de BING utilisé pour tracking et ciblage 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_gcl_au Google | Used for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. 3 mois Marketing + d'infos
_uetvid Microsoft Bing Ads | Is a tracking cookie allowsing us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 2 weeks Marketing + d'infos
ajs_anonymous_id Segment | Stores the anonymous userid used by Segment.io, which we use to anonymously identify visitors in order to measure the update of information and potential conversion to registered users. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_fbp Facebook | This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisement when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website. 2 months Marketing + d'infos
IDE Google | Stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Youtube | Used to track the information of the embedded YouTube videos on a website. 5 months Marketing + d'infos
_ga Google | This cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. 2 ans Statistics + d'infos
_gat Google | This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. 1 minute Statistics + d'infos
_gid Google | The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Hotjar | Used to detect the first pageview session of a user 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample Hotjar | Used to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit 1 an Statistics + d'infos
_hjid Hotjar | Used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser Session Statistics + d'infos
_uetsid Microsoft Bing Ads | Is a tracking cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
GPS Youtube | Registers a unique ID for tracking users based on their geographical location. 30 minutes Statistics + d'infos
YSC Youtube | used to track the views of embedded videos. Session Statistics + d'infos
Cookie Description Expiration Type Lien
SFSESSID Lengow | Used to store and identify a users' unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. Session Necessary N/A
_csrf Stonly | On an initial visit without an associated server session, the web application sets a cookie containing a random token that remains the same for the whole web session. Session Necessary + d'infos
intercom-session-fgan7yon Intercom | Allows users to access their conversations and have data communicated on logged out pages for 1 week. 1 week Marketing + d'infos
intercom-id-fgan7yon Intercom | Allows visitors to see any conversations they've had on Intercom websites. 9 mois Marketing + d'infos
IDE Google | Stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_gcl_au Google | Used for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. 3 mois Marketing + d'infos
1P_JAR Google | Google advertising cookie used for user tracking and ad targeting purposes. Session Marketing + d'infos
ANID Google | Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant & personalised Google advertising. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
APISID Google | Google uses these cookies to customise ads on Google websites, based on recent searches and interactions. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
HSID Google | This cookie is set by DoubleClick to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
NID Google | Google uses these cookies to store customer preferences and customise ads on Google websites, based on recent searches and interactions. 6 mois Marketing + d'infos
NID Google | Google uses these cookies to store customer preferences and customise ads on Google websites, based on recent searches and interactions. 6 mois Marketing + d'infos
OTZ Google | This cookie is used by Google Analytics et Google+. It provides a global analysis of site visitors. 1 mois Marketing + d'infos
SAPISID Google | Google uses these cookies to ensure that Google can collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
SID Google | This cookie is set by DoubleClick to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
SIDCC Google | Its a security cookie used by Google to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials and protect user data from unauthorised parties. 3 mois Marketing + d'infos
SSID Google | Google uses these cookies to ensure that Google can collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube or maps integrated via Google Maps. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
_Secure-3PAPISID Google | Google uses these cookies to customise ads on Google websites, based on recent searches and interactions. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
_Secure-3PSID Google | Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant & personalised Google advertising. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
_Secure-3PSIDCC Google | Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant & personalised Google advertising. 3 mois Marketing + d'infos
_Secure-APISID Google | Google uses these cookies to customise ads on Google websites, based on recent searches and interactions. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
_Secure-HSID Google | This cookie is set by DoubleClick to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_Secure-SSID Google | Google uses these cookies to ensure that Google can collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube or maps integrated via Google Maps. 2 ans Marketing + d'infos
ajs_group_id Segment | This cookie checks the number of new and returning visitors to the website. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
ajs_anonymous_id Segment | Stores the anonymous userid used by Segment.io, which we use to anonymously identify visitors in order to measure the update of information and potential conversion to registered users. 1 an Marketing + d'infos
_fbp Facebook | This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisement when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website. 3 mois Marketing + d'infos
ve_role Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
bjar Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
db-help-center-uid Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
blid Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
locale Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
t Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
jar Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
lid Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
gvc Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
__Host-ss Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 3 years Preferences + d'infos
__Host-j Dropbox | This cookie is used by Dropbox for session tracking for analytics purposes. 5 years Preferences + d'infos
G_ENABLED_IDPS Google | This cookie is used for secured logging to the website with a Google account and it is a persistent cookie. N/A Preferences + d'infos
REMEMBERME Lengow | Technical cookie used to keep the user logged in. 2 ans Preferences N/A
nQ_cookieId Albacross | It is used as a analytical tools to identify the potential customers by setting a unique Id for the customers. The session Id is used to implement the preference choice made by the customer upon their re-visit. 1 an Statistics + d'infos
nQ_visitId Albacross | This cookie is used for analytical purposes and is used to uniquely identify users. 1 an Statistics + d'infos
amplitude_id_[id] Amplitude | This cookie is used by Amplitude for session tracking for analytics purposes. 10 years Statistics + d'infos
_ga Google | This cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. 2 ans Statistics + d'infos
_gat Google | This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. 1 minute Statistics + d'infos
_gid Google | The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
DV Google | The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the Site, where visitors have come to the Site from and the pages they visited. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
_hjid Hotjar | Used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. Session Statistics + d'infos
lgwtrk-clic-[ref] Lengow | Cookie to track clicks on the products via a tracking pixel. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id] Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the ID of the tracked feed. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-sku Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the product sku. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-tid Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the “thesaurus line” id. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-channel_code Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the channel code associated with the “thesaurus line”. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-name Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the product name clicked. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-img Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the clicked product image. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-url Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the clicked product URL. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-margin Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the margin on the clicked product. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-cat Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the clicked product category. 90 days Statistics N/A
lgwtrk-[account-id]-dt Lengow | Created when each tracking click is created: contains the current date in “Y-m-d\TH:i:sP” format. 90 days Statistics N/A
_uetsid Microsoft | Is a tracking cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 1 jour Statistics + d'infos
optimizelyEndUserId Optimizely | Stores a visitor's unique Optimizely identifier. It's a combination of a timestamp and random number. No other information about you or your visitors is stored inside. 6 mois Statistics + d'infos

Third Party Processors

Our carefully selected partners and service providers may process personal information about you on our behalf as described below:

« Digital Marketing Service Providers

We periodically appoint digital marketing agents to conduct marketing activity on our behalf, such activity may result in the compliant processing of personal information. Our appointed data processors include:

(i)Prospect Global Ltd (trading as Sopro) Reg. UK Co. 09648733. You can contact Sopro and view their privacy policy here: http://sopro.io. Sopro are registered with the ICO Reg: ZA346877 their Data Protection Officer can be emailed at: dpo@sopro.io. »