Multichannel potential is essential as part of your marketing strategy.

To integrate it smoothly and coherently, you must nonetheless:

  • Consider the importance of the data. As part of a multichannel strategy, you must centralise the data that concerns customers stemming from multiple and heterogeneous sources (web formulas, email returns, analysis of Internet pages surfed on, etc.). This data will help you get a better grasp of customer expectations and meet those expectations more relevantly.
  • Following your customers’ purchasing journey. Understanding how they move from one channel to another, and why, is essential for proper integration of the multichannel facet of your marketing strategy. Does the customer go online to gather information? At what point do they decide to come in-store? etc.
  • Offer customer experience that is both relevant (meets individual purchasing journey challenges) and innovative (helps you stand out from your competitors).
  • Mastering multichannel risks: possible incoherence between offers (price, stock, etc.), risk of one channel swallowing up another, possible break in purchasing journey continuity, etc.

To manage this integration as best as possible, you must base yourself on a multichannel e-commerce solution. This makes it possible to centralise your data, synchronise your channels, publish easily on major marketplaces and efficiently follow your customers’ purchasing journey, for perfect integration of the multichannel aspect to your online marketing strategy.

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