Your Lengow application for Shopify / Shopify Plus

Shopify is an ecommerce solution designed for retailers looking for an easy way to create their online stores. This ecommerce platform has become tremendously successful due to its user-friendliness and the simplicity of its interface. Shopify Plus is the version of Shopify specifically designed for major companies. Cloud data storage means that additions of functionalities and bug fixing are carried out in complete transparency for you.

Available from the Shopify App store, the Lengow application will enable you to export your product catalogues from your store rapidly and then publish them on the channels where your purchasers await you.

Your products are optimized for…

Retrieve the products directly from Shopify / Shopify Plus and then configure your feed on our platform

Import and manage your orders coming from marketplaces (Amazon, Cdiscount, etc.) in your Shopify interface and synchronise your inventories to ensure your product sheets are always up to date.

Optimise the product data (titles, descriptions, etc.) without affecting the product sheets on your website

Analyse your performance and profitability thanks to the statistical data provided by Lengow

Use Shopify with Lengow


Start now

Install your Shopify app

Our advices:

  • Download it directly on the Shopify appstore
  • Install the app first during a calmer business period to avoid sales rushes (for example during holiday season)
  • Take time to configure your feed properly and check it before publishing it on the different channels
  • Keep a close eye on the first orders you receive on our platform to make sure they are correctly integrated into your back-office.
Update : 16/01/2023
Compatibility : Shopify & Plus

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